Battle of Mount Anna 2#
Unique inventory number: ah2023-008
Artist’s first and last name: Allen Hopkins
Full title of the work: Battle of Mount Anna 2#
Year it was created:2022
Brief description of the work: This painting is a piece of narrative art. It’s a storybook illustration which theme is war. It’s part of the traveling in the woods series. In this illustration, you can see three robots with no facial features standing atop a purple mountain. Airships with a yellow symbol are firing at them from above as they stand.
Full description of media: The painting was created using charcoal, short and thick, and long and thin brushstrokes of blue, brown, gray, yellow, and purple acrylic paint.
Retail price: $75.00
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Provenance and / or catalogue of appearances: Hopkins still owns the painting.
Condition: N/A
History of transport: the painting was taken from the artist’s studio in Columbia to the artist’s apartment there numerous times. Then, it was taken from the artist’s apartment to Stormwater Studios. Next, it was taken from there to the artist’s apartment. Finally, it was taken from there to the artist’s home in Union and to Elegant Adelaide’s Baby Boutique in Columbia.
Associated expenses: N/A
Unique inventory number: ah2023-008
Artist’s first and last name: Allen Hopkins
Full title of the work: Battle of Mount Anna 2#
Year it was created:2022
Brief description of the work: This painting is a piece of narrative art. It’s a storybook illustration which theme is war. It’s part of the traveling in the woods series. In this illustration, you can see three robots with no facial features standing atop a purple mountain. Airships with a yellow symbol are firing at them from above as they stand.
Full description of media: The painting was created using charcoal, short and thick, and long and thin brushstrokes of blue, brown, gray, yellow, and purple acrylic paint.
Retail price: $75.00
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Provenance and / or catalogue of appearances: Hopkins still owns the painting.
Condition: N/A
History of transport: the painting was taken from the artist’s studio in Columbia to the artist’s apartment there numerous times. Then, it was taken from the artist’s apartment to Stormwater Studios. Next, it was taken from there to the artist’s apartment. Finally, it was taken from there to the artist’s home in Union and to Elegant Adelaide’s Baby Boutique in Columbia.
Associated expenses: N/A
Unique inventory number: ah2023-008
Artist’s first and last name: Allen Hopkins
Full title of the work: Battle of Mount Anna 2#
Year it was created:2022
Brief description of the work: This painting is a piece of narrative art. It’s a storybook illustration which theme is war. It’s part of the traveling in the woods series. In this illustration, you can see three robots with no facial features standing atop a purple mountain. Airships with a yellow symbol are firing at them from above as they stand.
Full description of media: The painting was created using charcoal, short and thick, and long and thin brushstrokes of blue, brown, gray, yellow, and purple acrylic paint.
Retail price: $75.00
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Provenance and / or catalogue of appearances: Hopkins still owns the painting.
Condition: N/A
History of transport: the painting was taken from the artist’s studio in Columbia to the artist’s apartment there numerous times. Then, it was taken from the artist’s apartment to Stormwater Studios. Next, it was taken from there to the artist’s apartment. Finally, it was taken from there to the artist’s home in Union and to Elegant Adelaide’s Baby Boutique in Columbia.
Associated expenses: N/A