Equality.We e strongly desire artists from all backgrounds to use our services. We welcome artists of races, genders, skin tones, religions, national origins, ages, abilities, political affiliations, genetic backgrounds, and other protected statuses to use our services.

Multiculturalism. We bring international artistic styles to your home. Instead of having to visit a foreign country to see the style of its artwork, you can check out its style on our website. We research art museums in Asia, South America, and Europe, analyze

Art and business. Aspiring artists learn how to become both professional artists and arts administrators. They learn about art techniques; creating a website, internships, and contacts between artists and art museums; social media and email marketing, making show cards; labeling artwork; financial planning and management; development; selling art internationally; and more.

Collaboration. We think about solutions to problems together. When we try to fix problems themselves, we may leave out one crucial step. However , when we work together to fix a problem, we can more perfect solution to it.